
A collection of things I find useful (but can never remember).

Unix Commands

How to find the size of a directory in Linux

>> du -sh

Comparing the differences between two directories of files that are almost the same.

>> diff -bur folder1/ folder2/

Finding a particular file in a folder in linux

This will look in the current folder (and sub-directories) for that string in a name of a file.

>> find . -name '*default_setup.use'

How to find out my Linux distribution name and version

>> cat /etc/*-release

Use of –parents flag in mkdir and cp

Useful if you want to keep the folder hierarchy when you’re copying. (For instance, if you have two files called ‘’ and they’re in different folders. If you copy them over to one location, you need to either rename or put them in different folders).

>> xargs -a copy_files.txt cp --parents -t /net/10.xx.xx.xx/XXX/XXX/XXX/copied_files/

Watch – watching the output of certain commands

Watching paint dry is so twentieth century..
An exampl

>> watch bhappy

How can I make grep print the lines below and above each matching line?

>> grep -A 1 -B 1 -nR 'yourString*' .

This will allow you to see the context in which your grep hit. So the lines before and after it.


Deleting the first ‘x’ characters from every line in a region with Emacs – Stack Overflow

You use your mark tool (‘C-Spc’) to highlight a box area and then use the command ‘C-x r k’ to remove this square/rectangle.

Don’t worry about the mark tool highlighting the edges of lines in between, they won’t be clipped.

Handy way to append a flag to the end of a line.

Command: M-< M-x replace-regexp RET $ RET a RET

This will place an ‘a’ at the end of all lines. The $ matches the end-of-line character.

Also one of the other answers shows how to use key-macros so could be handy later.

loading – Reload configurations without restarting Emacs – Stack Overflow

A quick way to reload your .emacs after making changes, to save a restart.

M-x eval-buffer

Finding location of .emacs file.

C-h v 'user-init-file'
